Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's educational! I swear!

On Sunday evening, my friend and I are leaving Pennsylvania to drive to Birmingham, and then New Orleans after that. Neither of our parents are too keen on the idea of a 2200-mile round trip in a 1992 Ford Tempo, but we figure we might as well do this while we're young and stupid. In an effort to legitimize the trip, we came up with a list of reasons to let us drive deep into the belly of the Old South.

1. We need crafting supplies. New Orleans markets only the finest glue sticks and yarn, imported from the Turks and Caicos.

2. The annual Louisiana Sock Show is going on that week. We need creative ideas for what to do with all the socks we have laying around.

3. Apparently New Orleans is the pastry capital of east central Louisiana, so we'd also like to bring back some exotic dishes to prepare at home.

4. We can obtain scientific observations of real live Southern folk in their natural habitat.

5. We can learn rape defense firsthand in Birmingham.

6. Would you rather have us laying around the house eating nothing but leftover cookies for a whole week? At least we'll be getting some kind of exercise.

7. There's some pretty great long-course open-water swimming in Lake Ponchartrain. More exercise!

8. They're pretty religious down there. Maybe we'll even find Jesus and abandon our immoral Northeastern college-student lifestyles.

We hope that, with careful consideration, this gives you reason enough to accept our educational journey through the South.


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